Monday, June 29, 2009

packing and bucking up !!!

packing all of my luggage now and got feel wanna make another post just before i went for study. I HAVE A WHOLE LOTS OF LUGGAGE xD haha...4 boxes of things, 1 luggage, 1 backpack, 2 pails, pillows and blanket @_@ so many =.= zzzzzz anyway, better be prepared~~~ dunno what's provided and what's not xD actually want to go back hsbp...but...can't find a better excuse to go back ler xD wanna see teachers? this idea is lame =.= only a few that i may see maybe =.= and things are getting cramped. My bro's wedding that is. I have to go msu at 1st june, come back bp at 3rd, attend wedding at 4th, and rush back msu at 5th =.= dunno y i always have to get my timetable so cramped that i can barely breathe. This may be my last post for a period of time since i am not going to have a laptop over there until hopefully september when i get my budget @_@ anyhow, just the thought of surviving without laptop in these 2 months is zzzzzz. The only communication i left is my mobile phone and that's it. to pass my time there? stucking myself in the mountains of books? @_@ opsie...taking too much time to blog xD hafta continue to pack and compress everything into 1 luggage bag xD haha....sitting on it will help or not? =P lol cya, till then~~~

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